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We are here for the students


At Kingswood Primary School, we focus on providing an environment where students feel happy, safe and cared for. Not only are we committed to delivering the best education, we also strive to create an enjoyable and positive learning environment where students and staff can flourish and prosper.

Students’ wellbeing is a high priority, and we pride ourselves on the programs we implement that focus on the wellbeing of students and staff. Wellbeing includes physical health and first aid, social and emotional health, behaviour and attendance.

The two pillars upon which we build our approach to student wellbeing are School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) and Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR). Each week our classes have a 50 minute wellbeing lesson with a specific focus in areas such as emotional regulation, positive behaviours and respectful relationships.


School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

2024 is a year of change and development in establishing consistent School Wide Positive Behaviour Expectations at Kingswood Primary School. Last year our teachers, student representatives and parents (through the Student Learning and Wellbeing school council sub-committee) developed three core behaviour expectations that we are establishing. These are

Be respectful.

Be resilient.

Be empathetic.

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence

The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education.

1.Emotional Literacy;

2. Personal Strengths;

3. Positive Coping;

4. Problem Solving;

5. Stress Management;

6. Help Seeking;

7. Gender and Identity;

8. Positive Gender Relationships.

Coming Back in 2024

We are excited to announce that mindfulness colouring and Shake and Wake will be returning in 2024. Students and parents will be notified via Compass, the school newsletter and school news when these will be back.

Disability Inclusion

At Kingswood Primary School we are committed to providing an inclusive environment for all. Our teachers are cognisant of their responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act and the Disability Standards for Education. As a result we implement many classroom and playground adjustments for students to ensure that students with a disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as their peers.

Some of our students with extensive or substantial adjustments being made on a regular basis are eligible for individualised funding which provides additional support from our inclusion team. All students with individualised funding have a termly student support group meeting (SSG) with the parents/carers, the teacher, a member of the inclusion team and a school leader, to set and reflect upon goals and discuss strategies. External therapists are also able to attend.


The following is advice from the Department of Education regarding the importance of attendance and the implications of non-attendance.

Please also see our attendance policy by visiting the Quick Links tab and School Documents



Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.


Why it’s important?

We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.

If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school.

There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.

Each missed day is associated with progressively lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading.

Attendance patterns are established early – a child regularly missing days in kindergarten or in the early years of school will often continue to miss classes in the later years, and receive lower test scores than their classmates.


Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher as early as possible.

If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day.

Families with students whose attendance is deemed at risk (15-19.5 days), have chronic absence (20.5-29.5 days) or severely chronic absence (30+ days) will receive notification from the school and may be asked to attend an attendance support meeting to work on strategies to help improve attendance.

Additional Supports

Strong links with external services ensure that, when a student requires an extra level or support, it is available to them. Services include counselling and language and educational assessments, as well as family support organisations, Orange Door and ELMHS.

We are fortunate to have a school counsellor (Melissa Godeassi) work with us on a Monday and Tuesday with small groups and individuals to develop social skills, emotional regulation and calming strategies. We also work with Monash University and host final year placement students who are completing their Masters in Counselling who can provide 1:1 counselling services for our students,

Please speak to Megan Franklyn (Assistant Principal) if you, your child or your family requires any additional supports.